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Seeding Your Lawn in Fall: A Smart Choice

Seeding Your Lawn in Fall: A Smart Choice The challenges of summer 2024, including extreme heat and humidity, made it a tough season for lawns in Indiana. Diseases like brown patches and leaf spots took a toll on many lawns, particularly those in shaded areas or...

Battling the Fluff: Tackling Canada Thistle in Your Garden

Battling the Fluff: Tackling Canada Thistle in Your Garden As summer wraps up, you might notice plants releasing fluffy seeds into the air. Plants like thistles, asters, and milkweed rely on the wind to spread their seeds, sometimes carrying them miles away, though...

When Roundup Isn’t Really Roundup: Clearing Up the Confusion

When Roundup Isn’t Really Roundup: Clearing Up the Confusion In a previous blog, we discussed triclopyr, which sparked many conversations about Roundup products now containing ingredients other than glyphosate. Many professionals have encountered clients with...

The Summer of Triclopyr: Growing Evidence of Off-Target Damage

The Summer of Triclopyr: Growing Evidence of Off-Target Damage This growing season, I have received many questions and concerns about triclopyr. Landscapers, nurseries, and property managers have reported several issues to the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic...