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Boxwoods and Cold Temperatures

As dedicated lawn care specialists at Wells Lawn Care, we believe in empowering our customers with vital knowledge about their beloved boxwood plants. Additionally, we’ve encountered Volutella canker, a fungal disease that damages boxwood stems. Let’s delve into these issues together to better understand how we can ensure the enduring health and beauty of your precious boxwood plants.

Boxwood & Cold Injury

Boxwoods can face troubles when they experience cold temperatures. This can lead to sections of branches dying back. We’ve also seen Volutella canker, a fungal disease that affects boxwoods and causes damage to the stems. The two issues can often be found together, with Volutella infecting stems that have been injured by the cold earlier in the season. In 2023, Purdue University noticed a higher number of boxwood samples during June and July compared to previous years. The most common diagnoses have been Volutella canker and cold damage. This year, we’ve found Joe Boggs’ observations from the Ohio State University to be similar to our own, showing the widespread concern for boxwoods.

Colletotrichum Dieback & Blight

Another problem we’re seeing more of is Colletotrichum Dieback. This issue causes stem dieback and looks similar to Volutella and winter injury. One interesting point to note is that, with all the issues mentioned, the foliage on the leaves tends to stay longer before eventually falling off. Leaf spotting and leaf drop symptoms are more suggestive of boxwood blight. While we’ve received many samples expressing concerns about boxwood blight, there have been only two confirmed landscape cases in the state. Boxwood blight can make stems look bare and create spots on the leaves.

Keeping Your Boxwood Plants Healthy

To make sure your boxwood plants stay healthy and strong, follow these important steps: Inspect Before Purchase: When buying new boxwood plants, carefully check for leaf spots, external stem lesions, and leaf drop. Avoid purchasing any sickly plants, especially those on discounted shelves.

Right Plant, Right Place

Choose the right spot for your boxwoods, where they get the right amount of sunlight and water. Professional Help: If you’re worried about your boxwood plants, ask a knowledgeable adult to help you. They can take a small piece of the plant to a specialist who can diagnose and address the issue.

In Conclusion

Remember, taking care of your boxwood plants is like taking care of your pets. Give them lots of love and attention, and they will grow up to be healthy and vibrant! With these tips, you can keep your boxwood plants looking beautiful and thriving for a long time.



Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 5 pm


575 W Simpson Chapel Rd,
Bloomington IN, 47404
